let him chase away your blues

Feral kittens are a special needs group, and this one is blind!

From deep sorrow came a strange gift

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His name is sweetheart pity

Sometimes, when you are just minding your own business and trying to survive, a cat just happens.

Sometimes when you are minding your

own business, just trying to get through the day, a cat happens.   In this case, it was a very sick little blind kitty.

Genetically and environmentally challenged from birth

Found abandoned by his mother, hungry and alone.  His tail was badly broken.  His eyes constantly seeped.  He was very wormy.

His favorite place is a screened in front poarch.  It's the closest to an outdoor experience.

Now he is on his journey

seeking optimal health and solutions for his life challenges.

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Keep updated on Sweethearts progress and medical procedures.

life changing

believe me

Feral Cats Need Love

Trap and spay and nueter

Contact your local ASPCA or humane society for safe cat traps.

Pity,the Blind Kitty

Neptune Beach, Florida, United States
